Precise Digital Accelerator

  • Model / Serial
    151587, 105932, 151574, 151363, 151076, 151110, 151369, 151504, 105941, 151418, 151674, 151566, 151259, 151636, 151568, 151390, 151258, 151584, 151391, 151317, 151522, 151055, 151423, 151507, 151623, 151627, 151640, 151479, 151340, 151178, 151467, 151514, 151051, 151411, 151216, 151430, 151173, 151616, 151595, 151141, 151433, 151611, 151151, 151653, 151515, 151360, 151675, 151538, 151024, 151523, 151521, 151260, 151519, 151432, 151410, 151371, 151084, 151435, 151387, 151530, 151328, 151176, 151080, 151626, 151567, 151598, 151601, 151269, 151396, 151557, 151558, 105982, 151160, 151634, 151394, 151398, 151540, 151632, 151446, 151301, 151038, 151441, 151256, 151168, 151156, 151157, 151155, 151579, 151412, 105984, 151053, 151359, 151585, 151326, 151327, 151443, 151250, 151130, 151245, 151416, 151664, 151672, 151074, 151352, 151298, 151545, 151628, 105803, 151362, 151073
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IL, IA, MD, MA, MI, MN, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, VA, SC, TN TX, WA, WV, WI and Puerto
  • Product Description
    Precise Digital Accelerator || Delivery of radiation to defined target volumes
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    Elekta, Inc., 4775 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Bldg 300, #300, Norcross GA 30092-3011
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source

18 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    105639, 105652, 105608, 151187, 151401, 105792, 105570, 151577, 151563, 151562, 151444, 151347, 151746, 105557, 151434, 105801, 151702, 151052, 151384, 151661, 105873, 151138, 105875, 151606, 151246, 151649, 105729, 151642, 105820, 151097, 151063, 105857, 105952, 151227, 151208, 105935, 151345, 151120, 151057, 151018, 105684, 151122, 105573, 105973, 105688, 105768, 151078, 105908, 151039, 151323, 105953, 151607, 151023, 151164, 151304, 105569, 105900, 151070, 151293, 151548, 151631, 151618, 151609, 151547, 151105, 105994, 151437, 151124, 105597, 105839, 105947, 105753, 151205, 151240, 151239, 151382, 105779, 151490, 105732, 151270, 151648, 151232, 151440, 151307, 151408, 105552, 151485, 105746, 105745, 151276, 105889, 151147, 151056, 151294, 105830, 151592, 151286, 151282, 151118, 151381, 151375, 151376, 151400, 151593, 151508, 151589, 151590, 151637, 151726, 151721, 151707, 151750, 151742, 105897, 151342, 151069, 151019, 151163, 105747, 151407, 151182, 151081, 151646, 151113, 105605, 151106, 151242, 151337, 151641, 105917, 105899, 151564, 151591, 151021, 151535, 105933, 151290, 105985, 151068, 151343, 151027, 151732, 151218, 151219, 151220, 105735, 151554, 151192, 105834, 105752, 105642, 105599, 151191, 105674, 151645, 151131, 151111, 151277, 105993, 105634, 105919, 105848, 105620, 105579, 151402, 151193, 105740, 105613, 151257, 105901, 151283, 151355, 151635, 151202, 105877, 105756, 151221, 151518, 151575, 105592, 105733, 105965, 105940, 151139, 151409, 151204, 151230, 151559, 151146, 151152, 105824, 105662, 105651, 105730, 105623, 105686, 151758, 105670, 151261, 151048, 151279, 105931, 105631, 151665, 151126, 151426, 151037, 151036, 151513, 151738, 151543, 151339, 105689, 151753, 151174, 151745, 105755, 151473, 151241, 105737, 105999, 105920, 151668, 151013, 151336, 105817, 105804, 151603, 151395, 105748, 105996, 151536, 151172, 151392, 151100, 151210, 151161, 105680, 151263, 151058, 151028, 105842, 151417, 151331, 151109, 105743, 105742, 105635, 151004, 105802, 105797, 105786, 105695, 151478, 105906, 105904, 151527, 151487, 151486, 151415, 151414, 105813, 151413, 105720, 151188, 105781, 151032, 105638, 105957, 105789, 105769, 105814, 105874, 151692, 105595, 105583, 105581, 105850, 105607, 151475, 151688, 105554, 105923, 105980, 105867, 151731, 151614, 151615, 105991, 151123, 151350, 151484, 151389, 105677, 151034, 151464, 105976, 105641, 151499, 151166, 151133, 105683, 151082, 105807, 151041, 151452, 151740, 151195, 151031, 105934, 105835, 151271, 105946, 105602, 151088, 151087, 151720, 151206, 151622, 151621, 151102, 105778, 105763, 105574, 105852, 151060, 105791, 105679, 105663, 105702, 105701, 105681, 151199, 151061, 151209, 151660, 105825, 105622, 105983, 151324, 105572, 105767, 151505, 105643, 151427, 105938, 105562, 105808, 105885, 105893, 105892, 105628, 105589, 151274, 151273, 105687, 105603, 105939, 105878, 151667, 105997, 105711, 105903, 105765, 151525, 105780, 105833, 151150, 151730, 151357, 151506, 105978, 151117, 105966, 151551, 151561, 105849, 151234, 151265, 151287, 151252, 151203, 151280, 151468, 151619, 151761, 105862, 151747, 151272, 151681, 105795, 151565, 105669, 105799, 151064, 151108, 151235, 151103, 151302, 151459, 151448, 105715, 151226, 105749, 151741, 105986, 151476, 151555, 151716, 151715, 151310, 151315, 105937, 105758, 105927, 151101, 105915, 151224, 151213, 105661, 151017, 151000, 151040, 151299, 105975, 105974, 105943, 151171, 151005, 105948, 105615, 105863, 105860, 151713, 151520, 151712, 105783, 105712, 151454, 105964, 151671, 151438, 151007, 151534, 105640, 105861, 105869, 105703, 151233, 151066, 151237, 151121, 151669, 151135, 151119, 151542, 151509, 151451, 151181, 151011, 151010, 151533, 151532, 151356, 151329, 151544, 151733, 151725, 151262, 105762, 105951, 151142, 105972, 105764, 151071, 105576, 105930, 151137, 151541, 151089, 105777, 151085, 105575, 105866, 151165, 151179, 105782, 105881, 105646, 151008, 151167, 105844, 105829, 151154, 151099, 151098, 151029, 105886, 151695, 105754.151266, 151134, 151305, 105593, 105837, 151537, 151016, 105969, 151238, 105883, 105563, 105666, 151421, 105744, 151228, 105929, 105564, 105894, 105895, 105846, 105624, 105841, 151325, 105568, 105660, 105806, 151422, 105960, 105925, 105949, 105898, 105699, 105872, 151229, 105864, 105678, 151093, 105759, 151320, 151456, 151457, 151639, 151687, 151148, 151373, 151149, 151321, 151374, 151322, 105847, 151549, 151365, 151083
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    AL, AZ, CA, FL, GA, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TX, WA, WV, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovinia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Columbia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mexico, Nigeria, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen
  • Product Description
    Medical Linear Accelerator
  • Manufacturer
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