Recall of PrecisePLAN 2.15 Treatment Planning System

According to U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this recall involved a device in United States that was produced by Elekta, Inc..

What is this?

A correction or removal action taken by a manufacturer to address a problem with a medical device. Recalls occur when a medical device is defective, when it could be a risk to health, or when it is both defective and a risk to health.

Learn more about the data here
  • Type of Event
  • Event ID
  • Event Risk Class
    Class 2
  • Event Number
  • Event Date Posted
  • Event Status
  • Event Country
  • Event Terminated Date
  • Event Source
  • Event Source URL
  • Notes / Alerts
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • Extra notes in the data
    Medical charged-particle radiation therapy system - Product Code MUJ
  • Reason
    The new "dicom ct with body outline" method to create a patient case in preciseplan 2.15 may produce incorrect results for some customers, given several input conditions encountered in the field. discontinue use of this method of creating a patient case until fco 772 00 540 064, (entitled "update for patient creation method using dicom ct with body outline"), is received from elekta to update th.
  • Action
    Important Notice A297, "PrecisePLAN release 2.15 with DICOM CT with Body Outline" method of patient creation (dated May 8, 2007) was distributed to all customers. An additional Field Change Order 540 073, dated September 30, 2008 was distributed to customers. Important Notice A316 "Cancellation of Important Notice for PrecisePLAN" was issued. The Important Notice instructed affected users to dispose of Important Notice A297 and replace it with Important Notice A316. If you have any questions regarding the notification, please contact your local Elekta representative directly.


  • Model / Serial
    0800690C208F, 0800690C2228, 0800690C934D. 080069107C11, 08006907BB7F, 08006907B074, 08006907B129, 08006907BB7D, 0800690E964F, 0800690EA07F, 08006909355C, 08006902E7CF, 08006907BEE0, 08006909DA0F, 0800690A4565, 080069100F06, 080069103003, 080069103015, 080069103265, 08006910326F, 08006907B051, 08006910178B, 0800690A9B6B, 0800690A466D, 08006908EFB4, 080069090A10, 0800690977C2, 08006909D8DE, 08006909D8DA, 0800690937B1, 08006908EDF3, 0800690A02F6, 0800690ABEC5, 0800690761D4, 0800690C2229, 0800690AC55A, 0800690A2865, 0800690A25BA, 0800690AB1EE, 080069087078, 0800690883D0, 0800690E984E, 08006905C04D, 0800690A02F3, 0800690A47CF, 0800690C1E5A, 0800690EAE97, 08006906D9B0, 08006906D94E, 0800691050D5, 0800690AB49C, 0800690C9357, 0800690AC0A3, 0800690ABEE0, 0800690C1DF2, 0800690C21B1, 0800690ABF4D, 0800690A0FE1, 080069AB4C1, 0800690906AE, 08006907F138, 08006909F10F, 080069090953, 080069EC1DD, 0800690883CB, 0800690A0FF6, 0800690A0FEF, 0800690C9148, 0800690A8793, 0800690A02F5, 08006902E9E0, 08006902E7D1, 0800690C9B7B, 08006902E7F8, 0800690E8CA9, 08006902EA0A, 0800690E7279, 0800690761D1, 0800690841C6, 08006908ED1C, 080069105594, 0800690C0D48, 0800691064DE, 080069087740, 0800690937BB, 080069090260, 08006907CA1C, 08006905E180, 08006905E6BA, 0800690ED67D, 08009607D4EF, 08006907D6B8, 08006907BB82, 08006910762B, 08006910762A, 08006907BB8E, 08006902E7F0, 080069077BB7, 0800690C54B2, 0800690A73DA, 08006909FA29, 0800690978E3, 08006907CA22, 08006907999A, 0800690CECEA, 0800690CDF04, 0800690909AB, 08006902E925, 08006910001E, 08006910623A, 08006910624F, 080069079BB3, 0800690761CF, 08006907DADE, 0800690E72DF, 08006908A3A8, 0800690A02FD, 08006902EB35, 0800691003D7, 080069107262, 0800690E7F53, 08006909D80B, 08006905E498, 08006905E63C, 0800690A0BA5, 0800690ED72E, 0800690ED90E, 08006905A8E6, 080069086F94,0800690883CD, 080069088319, 0800690EBC3A, 0800690EBBFF, 0800690EBFCA, 0800690A8830, 0800690A8841, 080069076231, 08006907622F, 0800690C90F4, 08006902E918, 080069107342, 080069088273, 08006909F50B, 0800690977ED, 08006907C7A1, 080069076BF4, 0800690C9B17, 0800690C2B4E, 08006905C433, 08006905BE74, 08006905E723, 08006905A225, 0800690883C8, 08006909673B, 0800690C9AA2, 08006907BB7E, 08006907023, 08006908706A, 08006909F1BB, 08006909EFA6, 080069099D13, 0800690A2863, 0800690A0FE4, 08006908847A, 080069088463, 0800690A0FE5, 08006909F507, 0800690CED1C, 08006907BEDF, 08006905BA2D, 0800690CE165, 08006905EB6E, 080069087A27, 0800690C6356, 0800690E9F8A, 0800690E9AB7, 0800690E82C4, 0800690E7283, 0800690EADC5, 0800690EACE8, 0800690EA40C, 0800690EA365, 080069099D0A, 080069086F92, 0800691077E0, 0800690C2168, 080069090841, 08006908F51D, 080069086630, 0800690907F5, 0800690907CD, 080069104115, 0800690A854C, 0800690A4677, 0800690A37AE, 080069106B53, 08006910816B, 0800690EAFCF, 0800690CDDA2, 0800690E72F7, 08006909FD0C, 08006909FD1B, 0800690A4670, 08006907BB89, 0800690A9DOE, 0800690A87F2, 08006907BB55, 0800690840A8, 080069087720, 080069076227, 08006908EC10, 0800690937B9, 0800690BD8A4, 080069132DDF, 080069134331, 0800691048A5, 0800690A2507, 0800690E9A67, 0800690A85E1, 0800690A8F4C, 0800690A1438, 0800690A13FB, 0800690A90FD, 0800690E6CF9, 080069102A57, 0800690EC864, 0800690909B4, 080069A0FE2, 0800690A8E1F, 080069100F95, 080069098EF6, 0800690C1745, 08006909D95A, 0800690A740E, 0800690A7410, 0800690AC55B, 0800690ACA88, 08006909D93B, 080069097A4D, 080069097A4E, 0800690A02FC, 0800690A47CE, 0800690A47E5, 0800690A47AE, 0800691050AF, 0800690A97D1, 0800690A1DC6, 08006907BEB2, 0800690A8F6D, 0800690A8F4F, 0800690EAF6D, 0800690EB40C, 08006907BB6D, 0800690CF7A2, 0800691003C3, 080069100455, 0800690ED7DF, 0800690CE157, 0800690EB787, 0800690ED7CO, 08006910560F, 08006910561E, 080069105607, 0800690ED967, 080069106136, 0800691075FB, 080069107C1F, 080069108174, 08006910762C, 0800690F6E74, 08006902E8DB, 0800690A85FB, 0800690949E1, 080069107CB2, 80069104499, 80069100706, 0800690C1E69, 08006910621E, 0049434409 and 1116245379.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    United States -- (AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MS, MO, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, , NC, OH, OK,OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WA and WI) & France.
  • Product Description
    PrecisePLAN 2.15 Treatment Planning System. || The product is used to plan multiple beam radiation therapy treatments.
  • Manufacturer


  • Manufacturer Address
    Elekta, Inc., 4775 Peachtree Industrial Blvd, Bldg 300, #300, Norcross GA 30092-3011
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source