Thayer Intellectual Property, Inc.

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    LOT 1055337, Expiry 4/01/2015; LOT 1071800. Expiry 5/1/2017; LOT 1102580; Expiry 8/1/2017; LOT 1154179; Expiry 12/01/2017.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution in the states of CA, TX. MD, MI,VA, DC, UT, CT, ID, SD, IN, and GA.
  • Product Description
    MANOS EX (CAT#TY-12-101) || Product Usage: || Carpal Tunnel Release: as a tool for tissue release of the transverse carpal ligament in patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome who fail conservative therapy. Plantar Fasciotomy: as a tool for tissue recession in patients with plantar fasciitis who fail conservative therapy.