Tenex Health Inc

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Lot Numbers:  00614-03, 06513-02, 24913-01, 00713-06, 06514-02, 25313-01, 00814-02, 06914-01, 25513-02, 01114-02, 07213-04, 25613-01, 01514-03, 07713-18, 26113-06, 01714-04, 08113-04, 26313-04, 01813-02, 08413-13, 26713-04, 02314-08, 09313-05, 26813-01, 02413-04, 10213-07, 27013-10, 02714-02, 10613-01, 27613-02, 02914-01, 11213-07, 28013-05, 03014-02, 11613-06, 28313-02, 03113-02, 12113-02, 29513-03, 03114-02, 12713-03, 29713-01, 03414-03, 13413-01, 30913-07, 03514-05, 14413-05, 31113-08, 03714-03, 15013-04, 31513-02, 03814-06, 15413-02, 31713-05, 04114-02, 15413-03, 32213-01, 04213-01, 16513-04, 32413-01, 04214-05, 17013-02, 32613-01, 04414-03, 17013-09, 32913-07, 04514-02, 17613-08, 33613-09, 04814-07, 17913-16, 33813-05, 05014-02, 18413-05, 34013-03, 05113-01, 18413-06, 34313-01, 05113-02, 18613-03, 34413-04, 05114-09, 19213-03, 34513-04, 05514-01, 19713-04, 34713-08, 05614-04, 20713-06, 35113-01, 05713-03, 21813-01, 35213-03, 05714-10, 23913-01, 36013-01, 06313-05, 24113-04, 36113-02, 06314-04, 24213-04, and 36413-05.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (Nationwide) and Internationally to Panama and Singapore.
  • Product Description
    TX1 Tissue Removal System. TX1 Procedure Pack P/N 554-1003-001 (outer box), TX1 MicroTip P/N 554-1002-001 (inner tray). For use with the TX System Console as an ultrasonic surgical aspirator of soft tissue.