Sierra Scientific Instruments Inc

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    F1112702UA, F1113101UA, F1113103UA, F1113104UA, F1113401UA, F1114201UA, F1114617UA, F1114618UA, F1114619UA, F1114620UA, F1114621UA, F1114623UA, F1114624UA, F1114625UA, F1114626UA, F1114627UA, F1114628UA, F1114629UA, F1115402UA, F1116306UA, F1117207UA, F1119201UA, F1119401UA, F1121304UA, F1123201UA, F1123405UA, F1123703UA, F1124202UA, F1124301UA, F1125105UA, F1125201UA, F1127303UA, F1128101UA, F1129701UA, F1130202UA, F1130304UA, F1128301UA, F1127103UA, F1127205UA,
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and the countries of: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland.
  • Product Description
    AR ManoShield, MSS-3599, 10 pack. || FGS: MSS-3599, || Individual package label: LBL-110275-03, || Box label: LBL-110282-03, || Package Inserts: DOC-3682, || User Manual: DOC-1332-12. || Product Usage: The MVS disposable sheath (a.k.a. ManoShield) for the high-resolution MVS catheter is designed to provide a biocompatible barrier between the catheter and patient.