3 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    PCB900 manufactured between 09/13/2010 and 05/22/2012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) including the states of CA, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MN,MS, NC, NM, NV, NY, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA, and the country of Canada.
  • Product Description
    AC Powered adjustable bed frame. || AC powered adjustable bed frame used in nursing facilities.
  • Model / Serial
    Model #TL500; Serial Number: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 010, 013, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029, 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 039, 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 045, 046, 047, 048, 049, 050, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, 059, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 070, 075, 081, 09350014, 09350015, 09350016, 09350017, 09350018, 09350021, 09350023, 09350025, 09350026, 09350027, 09350028, 09350029, 09350030, 09350031, 09350032, 09350033, 09350035, 09350038, 09350040, 09350041, 09350042, 09350045, 09350048, 09350049, 09350054, 09350055, 09350056, 09350057, 09350058, 09350059, 09350060, 09350062, 09350063, 09350064, 09350065, 09350066, 09350067, 09350068, 09350069, 09350070, 09350072, 09350074, 09350082, 09350085, 09350087, 09350088, 09350089, 09350090, 09350091, 09350092, 09430001, 09430002, 09430003, 09430004, 09430005, 09430006, 09430007, 09430008, 09430010, 09430013, 09430014, 09430015, 09430017, 09430019, 09430020, 09430021, 09430022, 09430024, 09430026, 09430027, 09430028, 09430029, 09430030, 09430032, 09430033, 09430034, 09430036, 09430037, 09430038, 09430039, 09430040, 09430041, 09430042, 09430043, 09430044, 09430045, 09430046, 09430047, 09430049, 09430050, 09430051, 09430052, 09430053, 09430054, 09430056, 09430057, 09430058, 09430059, 09430060, 09430061, 09430062, 09430063, 09430065, 09430066, 09463067, 09430068, 09430069, 09430070, 09430071, 09430072, 09430074, 09430075, 09430076, 09430077, 09430078, 09430079, 09430080, 09430081, 09430083, 09430085, 09430086, 09430087, 09430088, 09430089, 09430091, 09430093, 09430094, 09430097, 09430099, 09430100, 09520001, 09520002, 09520003, 09520004, 09520005, 09520006, 09520007, 09520008, 09520009, 09520011, 09520012, 09520013, 09520015, 09520017, 09520018, 09520019, 09520020, 09520021, 09520022, 09520025, 09520026, 09520027, 09520028, 09520029, 09520030, 09520031, 09520032, 09520033, 09520034, 09520035, 09520036, 09520037, 09520038, 09520039, 09520040, 09520041, 09520042, 09520043, 09520044, 09520045, 09520046, 09520047, 09520048, 09520049, 09520050, 10040001, 10040003, 10040004, 10040005, 10040006, 10040007, 10040008, 10040009, 10040010, 10040011, 10040012, 10040013, 10040014, 10040015, 10040016, 10040017, 10040028, 10040029, 10040030, 10040032, 10040033, 10040034, 10040035, 10040036, 10040037, 10040038, 10040039, 10040040, 10040041, 10040042, 10040043, 10040044, 10040045, 10040046, 10040047, 10040048, 10040049, 10040050, 10040051, 10040052, 10040053, 10040054, 10040055, 10040056, 10040057, 10040058, 10040059, 10040062, 10040063, 10040064, 10040065, 10040066, 10040067, 10040068, 10040069, 10040070, 10040071, 10040073, 10040074, 10040075, 10040076, 10040077, 10040078, 10400029, 10400050, 10400056, 10400057, 10400058, 10400059, 10400065, 10370016, 10370017, 10370018, 10370019, 10370020, 10370032, 10370033, 10370034, 10370035, 10370038, 10370052, 10370053, 10370054, 10370056, 10370060, 10370063, 10370078, 10370079, 10370080 , 09380031, 09380029, 09380064, 09380070, 09380089, 09380040, 09380038, 09380085, 09380045, 09380054, 09380060, 09380059, 09380058, 09380048, 09380042, 09380038, 09380069, 09380063, 09380067 & 09380065.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide distribution: USA including states of: AZ, IL, KY, MD, MI, OH, OR, PA, TX and VA.
  • Product Description
    AC Powered adjustable hospital bed, Prime Bed TL500, Distributed by: Primus Medical LLC, 8401 Southern Blvd, Boardman, OH 44512. || Usage: Hospital Bed.
  • Model / Serial
    Lot numbers: 031512, 032912, 041712,041812, 060412,061312, 061412, 071312, 080912, 032713, 053013, and 053113.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution -- USA, including the states of TX, OH, PA, KS, FL, NV, IL, WA, MN, NJ, NC, UT, NY, CA, MD, CO. NE VA, and AZ; and, the country of Canada.
  • Product Description
    Prime Care ¿ Transcend Mattress, Prime Care ¿ Transcend Perimeter Mattress, Prime Care ¿ Transcend Advanced Mattress, Prime Care ¿ Transcend Advanced Perimeter Mattress, Prime Plus ¿ Bariatric Mattress and Prime Plus ¿ Bariatric Perimeter Mattress, individual units packaged seperately. || Model Numbers: TCM3576, TCM3580, TCM3580P, TCM3584, TCM4280, TCM4280P, TCM4284, TACM3576, TACM3580, TACM3580P, TACM3584, PPBM396, PPBM426, PPBM426P, PPBM486, PPBM546, PPBM397, PPBM427, and PPBM487. || Intended to protect inner foam layers of mattress from any fluids that may be on the mattress.