PTS Panels Lipids Panel test strips for self-testing or professional use with CardioChek P-A analyzers, Manufactured by Polymer Technology Systems, Inc. Catalog # 1710.
PTS Panels CHOL+HDL Panel test strips for professional use with CardioChek P-A analyzer, Manufactured by Polymer Technology Systems, Inc., Indianapolis, IN.Catalog # 1795. || The product is used to measure total cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol, in whole blood.
PTS Panels LDL Cholesterol test strips for professional use with CardioChek P-A test systems, Manufactured by Polymer Technology Systems, Inc., Indianapolis, IN; Catalog No. 1753. || For the quantitative measurement of LDL cholesterol in whole blood.
Worldwide Distribution -- Nationwide Distribution including the states of CA and VA., and the countries of China, Poland, Ireland and France.
Product Description
PTS Panels Creatinine test strips. || PTS Panels Creatinine Test Strips are intended to measure creatinine in whole blood. Creatinine measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal (kidney) diseases and in the monitoring of renal dialysis. This system is intended for the professional use for accurately and reproducibly measuring creatinine in human whole blood obtained from a finger stick sample