Ortho Organizers Inc

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Buccal SS Tubes Item Numbers: #351-327 (all lots) #351-328 (all lots) #351-418 (all lots) #351-427 (all lots) #351-428 (all lots) #351-459 (all lots) #351-460 (all lots)
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution -- USA, including states of CA, CO, IL, LA, MI, MN, PA & TX and countries of CA (Canada), BE (Belgium), NO (Norway), and CO (Columbia).
  • Product Description
    ClassOne Orthodontics Buccal SS Tubes Label ID Reference Number 351-327 (NF DB UR 6 Convertible .018-14T 14DO HK-Each); || ClassOne Orthodontics Buccal SS Tubes Label ID Reference Number 351-328, NF DB UL 6 Convertible .018-14T 14DO HK-Each; || ClassOne Orthodontics Buccal SS Tubes Label ID Reference Number 351-418, NF DB UL/LR 6&7 Mini Single .022 0T 0O; || ClassOne Orthodontics Buccal SS Tubes Label ID Reference Number 351-427, NF DB UR 6 Convertible .022-14T 14DO HK-Each; || ClassOne Orthodontics Label ID Reference Number 351-428, NF DB UL 6 Convertible .022-14T 14DO HK-Each; || ClassOne Orthodontics Buccal SS Tubes Label ID Reference Number 351-459, NF DB LR 6 Convertible .022-25T 4DO HK-Each; || ClassOne Orthodontics Buccal SS Tubes Label ID Reference Number 351-460, NF DB LL 6 Convertible .022-25T 4DO HK-Each.

One manufacturer with a similar name

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  • Manufacturer Address
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source