OriGen Biomedical, Inc.

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Lot Numbers: N18487, N18487-1
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide and the countries of Austria, Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Italy, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Thailand, Colombia, India, South Africa, United Arab Emirates.
  • Product Description
    The OriGen Reinforced Dual Lumen catheter (RDLC) is a duel lumen catheter with a wire reinforcement layer on the tip of the device. A thin sheath is used to cover and secure the wire layer and is heat shrunk into a permanent position.

One manufacturer with a similar name

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  • Manufacturer Address
    OriGen Biomedical, Inc., 7000 Burleson Rd, Bldg D, Austin TX 78744-3202
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source