MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC

  • Manufacturer Address
    MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC, 1641 Edlich Dr, Charlottesville VA 22911-5839
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source
  • 1 Event

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Lot Number: 0312200152
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution including the states of CA, OH and NY.
  • Product Description
    Lipofilter 3000, model ASP-CAN-2, labeled in part ***MicroAire, 1641 Edlich Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22911, USA*** || Product Usage: || A fat collection canister intended for use during liposuction procedures.

3 manufacturers with a similar name

Learn more about the data here

  • Manufacturer Address
    MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC, 3590 Grand Forks Blvd, Charlottesville VA 22911-9006
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source
  • Manufacturer Address
    MicroAire Surgical Instruments, LLC, 3590 Grand Forks Blvd, Charlottesville VA 22911-9001
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source