Part Number 021-139-01 OT SureSoft Hospital, Regular 200, Lot numbers, SW2764, SW3427, SW2779, SW2785, SW3339, SW3342, SW3394, SW3395. Part number 021-140-01, OT SureSoft Hospital, Gentle 200, Lot numbers, SW2846, SW2833, SW2774, SW2868, SW2834, SW2765, SW2869, SW2894, SW2896.
Total amount of product distributed in the U.S. is 19,177 units, to distribution centers to be distributed to retailers, Health Care Professionals, wholesalers, and mail order companies. The product was distributed throughout the United States; 29,377 were distributed to Asia, Europe and Latin America.
Product Description
Lifescan OneTouch SureStep Meter Blood Glucose monitoring system,Product is distributed by LifeScan, Inc., 1000 Gibraltar Dr., Milpitas, CA 95037
Part numbers: Verio IQ Systems Kits: 022 267-01, 022 267-01, 022 267-03; Verio IQ Starter Kits: 022 268 01, 022 268-02; Verio IQ Warranty Kits: 022 275 01, 022 275 02. All lots and serial numbers
All OneTouch Verio IQ Blood Glucose Meters sold as: || Verio IQ System Kits - Meter; || Verio IQ Starter kits - Meter; || Verio IQ Warranty Meter. || Product Usage: The OneTouch¿ VerioIQ Blood Glucose Monitoring System is intended to be used for the quantitative measurement of glucose (sugar) in fresh capillary whole blood samples drawn from the fingertips. The system is intended to be used by a single patient and should not be used for testing multiple patients. The OneTouch¿ VerioIQ Blood Glucose Monitoring System is intended for self-testing outside the body (in vitro diagnostic use) by people with diabetes at home as an aid to monitor the effectiveness of diabetes control.