Celsion Corporation

  • Manufacturer Address
    Celsion Corporation, 10220 Old Columbia Road, Suite L, Columbia MD 21046-2364
  • Source
  • 1 Event

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    581451, 581452, 581464, 581465, 581468, 581471, 581472, 581473, 581474, 581475, 581476, 581477, 581478, 581479, 581480, 600145, 600146, 600147, 600408, 600538, 600540, 600630, 600692, 600771, 600814, 600815, 600874, 600875
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide. The product was distributed to one distributor in MA and 154 end users in medical centers and urology clinics.
  • Product Description
    Prolieve¿ Thermodilatation¿ Kit, consisting of a Prolieve Thermodilatation Catheter, Prolieve Heat Exchanger cartridge and 500 ml bag of sterile water, Catalog # 880-8023, packaged in single packs, Material Number M0068808022, and five packs, Material Number M0068808023, labeled in part *** Distributed by Boston Scientific Corporation, Natck, MA***Manufacturer: Celsion Corporation, Columbia, MD***.

2 manufacturers with a similar name

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  • Manufacturer Address
    Celsion Corporation, 10220 Old Columbia Rd Ste L, Columbia MD 21046-2364
  • Source
  • Manufacturer Address
    Celsion Corporation, Inc., 10220 Old Columbia Road, Suite L, Columbia MD 21046-2364
  • Source