Ameriwater Inc

  • Manufacturer Address
    Ameriwater Inc, 1257 Stanley Ave, Dayton OH 45404-1013
  • Source
  • 1 Event

One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Serial Numbers effected: 21013, 21014, 21026, 21031, 21042, 21052, 21053, 21071, 21072, 21073, 21079, 21080, 21090, 21091, 21092, 21100, 21101, 21110, 21111, 21121, 21122, 21125, 21127, 21193, 21194, 21200, 21201, 21203, 21204, 21205, 21208, 21210, 21215, 21222, 21223, 21236, 21237, 21240, 21258, 21259, 21263, 21270, 21328, 21333, 21336, 21338, 21352, 21371, 21379, 21384, 21387, 21388, 21015, 21016, 21017, 21021, 21023, 21024, 21032, 21033, 21034, 21035, 21036, 21043, 21049, 21050, 21051, 21054, 21066, 21089, 21093, 21094, 21095, 21097, 21098, 21108, 21109, 21123, 21126, 21128, 21142, 21143, 21156, 21157, 21160, 21162, 21163, 21164, 21165, 21166, 21167, 21168, 21169, 21176, 21178, 21179, 21180, 21183, 21185, 21186, 21191, 21192, 21212, 21216, 21217, 21224, 21225, 21228, 21229, 21244, 21249, 21260, 21268, 21269, 21271, 21272, 21274, 21275, 21276, 21282, 21283, 21298, 21299, 21300, 21302, 21307, 21311, 21316, 21329, 21332, 21339, 21342, 21343, and 21346.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Product was distributed in the following states: MI, HI, PA, IL, CA, CO, OH, TX, NY, SD, ON, IN, NC, MN, KY, SC, TN, FL, NJ, GA, MD, DE, AR, and MA.
  • Product Description
    AmeriWater Portable RO+, model numbers MR01 and MR02. The device is a reverse osmosis system for dialysis.

One manufacturer with a similar name

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  • Manufacturer Address
    AmeriWater Inc, 1303 Stanley Ave, Dayton OH 45404-1015
  • Source