Unomedical A/S

7 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    See list
  • Product Description
    MD: Urine collection bag
  • Model / Serial
    3401202x, 3401218x
  • Product Description
    MD: Suction tip, general-purpose, single-use
  • Model / Serial
    331618x, 3301602x
  • Product Description
    MD: Suction tip, general-purpose, single-use
  • Model / Serial
    3303618x, 3407218x, 3407318x, 3303518x (x-ray), 3407018 (x-ray), 3407118x (x-ray)
  • Product Description
    MD: Suction tip, general-purpose, single-use
  • Model / Serial
    I-MPEOC-30 to -70 | 5010101 to -9
  • Product Description
    MD: Tracheal tube, general-purpose, single-use
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22 manufacturers with a similar name

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  • Source
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Manufacturers representative
    Analysis Device For Medical and Scientific Service ( ADMSS )
  • Source
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