OptiMed Medizinische Instrumente GMBH

4 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    1221-2410 and 1221-2510 | see FSN
  • Product Description
    MD: Catheter introducer
  • Model / Serial
    see FSN | all that not yet exceeded the shelf life of 5 years
  • Product Description
    MD: Peripheral angioplasty balloon catheter
  • Model / Serial
    see FSN
  • Product Description
    MD: Coronary artery stent
  • Model / Serial
    sin-SF-635-v/b-06x200-75; sin-SF-635-v/b-06x200-120; sin-SF-635-v/b-07x200-75; sin-SF-635-v/b-07x200-120; catalogue numbers: see FSN | see FSN
  • Product Description
    MD: Multiple peripheral artery stent, bare-metal

14 manufacturers with a similar name

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