Mölnlycke Health Care

5 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    97003016-00 | 9046911
  • Product Description
    MD: Surgical procedure kit, general-purpose
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    MD: Suction tip, general-purpose, single-use
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    MD: Suction tip, general-purpose, single-use
  • Model / Serial
    2301284, 2301556, 2305538, 2300502
  • Product Description
    MD: Suction tip, general-purpose, single-use
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    MD: Surgical procedure kit, general-purpose, non-medicated, single-use

30 manufacturers with a similar name

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  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source
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