DiaMed AG

5 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    4330 | 45660.67.1, 45660.67.2
  • Product Description
    IVD: Antibody identification cell panel kit
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    IVD: Analyser, laboratory, haematology, blood grouping
  • Model / Serial
    001133, 001134, 001135, 001136 | 51051.15.01, 51051.15.02, 51051.15.03, 51051.15.04, 51051.16.01, 51051.17.01, 51051.17.02, 51051.17.03
  • Product Description
    IVD: ABO serum kit
  • Model / Serial
    7221 | 50241.30.01, 50241.30.02, 50241.30.03
  • Product Description
    IVD: Other antigen typing reagents (neither ABO nor Rhesus typing)
  • Model / Serial
    8510 | 50371.02.01, 50371.02.02
  • Product Description
    IVD: Other antigen typing reagents (neither ABO nor Rhesus typing)

4 manufacturers with a similar name

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  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Manufacturers representative
    Al Nahir Trading Co, Riyadh, (01) 4770444
  • Source
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Manufacturers representative
    Al Nahir Trading Co, Riaydh, (01) 4770444
  • Source
  • Source