One device in the database

  • Model / Serial
    COLLAR MIAMI J; UNDERSLEEVE, REBOUND and UNLODER, specific product numbers || respectively.
  • Product Description
    Advanced stabilization devices for the spine and cervical area. Designed to meet the specific requirements of the patient and the doctor .---- In the immobilization in trauma, general post-surgery, dislocations, to immobilize the lower limb, pre or post-surgical immobilization of lesions of the soft tissues, use in trauma and rehabilitation, postoperative stabilization of the ankle, stable fractures, detobillo sprain of grade 2 and 3. In collateral stabilization of the articulation in moderate instabilities, helps in moderate injuries of the lateral ligaments, demenis lesions, preventing hyperexpression, in instability of the medial and lateral ligaments , in minor or moderate joint stability, articulatory protection against the remissions of sprains when resuming sports activity. In the postoperative period in which some immobilization and gradual increase in movement, tendon injuries, fractures or dislocations of the tibiotarsal joint are required, conservative management of the Metatarsus and tarsus, functional therapy of Achilles tendon rupture, chronic ligament instabilities.