HOYA Corporation

6 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Model Number: ED-3490TK and ED34-i10T
  • Product Description
    Electromechanical medical devices
  • Model / Serial
    Model Number: EB-1170K, EB-1570, EB-1570AK, EB-1570K, EB-1970, EB-1970AK, EB-1970K, EB-1970TK, EB-1970UK, VNL-1570, ECY-1570, ECY-1570K
  • Product Description
    Electromechanical medical devices
  • Model / Serial
    Model Number: ED-3490TK, ED-3270K, ED-3430, ED-3430TK, ED-3670TK, ED-3470TK, ED-3230, ED-3230K, ED-3430K, ED-3430T, ED-3630T; FD-34V2
  • Product Description
    Electromechanical medical devices
  • Model / Serial
    Model Number: EG-3870UTK and EG-3670URK
  • Product Description
    Electromechanical medical devices
  • Model / Serial
    Model Number: EB-1970UK
  • Product Description
    Electromechanical medical devices
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  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
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  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
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  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
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  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
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