Convatec Australia Pty Ltd

3 devices in the database

  • Model / Serial
    Flexi-Seal CONTROL Faecal Management SystemProduct code: 411107All lot numbersARTG number: 163198
  • Model / Serial
    Unomedical Feeding TubesProduct Codes: 12024182, 12025182, 12027182, 12028182, 12030182, 12033182, 12110182, 12111182, 12112182, 12113182, 12116182, 12117182, 12118182 & 12119182ARTG Number: 185783
  • Model / Serial
    Reinforced Endotracheal Tubes - Murphy, Magill, Murphy with stylet & Magill with styletMultiple lot numbersARTG Number: 137834

One manufacturer with a similar name

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