Recall of Device Recall Capless Li Pedicle Screw System

According to U.S. Food and Drug Administration, this recall involved a device in United States that was produced by X Spine Systems Inc.

What is this?

A correction or removal action taken by a manufacturer to address a problem with a medical device. Recalls occur when a medical device is defective, when it could be a risk to health, or when it is both defective and a risk to health.

Learn more about the data here
  • Type of Event
  • Event ID
  • Event Risk Class
    Class 2
  • Event Number
  • Event Initiated Date
  • Event Date Posted
  • Event Status
  • Event Country
  • Event Terminated Date
  • Event Source
  • Event Source URL
  • Notes / Alerts
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • Extra notes in the data
    Orthosis, spondyloisthesis spinal fixation - Product Code MNH
  • Reason
    A defect cause was discovered following a customer complaint pertaining to a post operative dissociation of the capless li screw construct. the screw assembly is made up of three parts; a cup which locks onto a 5.5mm rod, a yoke that cradles the rod during fusion, and a screw that attached to the vertebra. the screw ball on the screw was manufactured out of tolerance (undersized).
  • Action
    X Spine Systems Inc. issued advisory notices in March 2009 to Consignees notifying them of the problem and requesting all affected product be returned to the firm. The firm also conducted telephone calls and emails for the return of the product. For further information, contact X Spine Systems Inc. at 1-937-847-8400 extension 115.


  • Model / Serial
    Product Numbers: 71088, 71692, 71708, 71750, 71761, 71781, 71807, 71849, 71881, 71090, 71693, 71709, 71751, 71762, 71787, 71808, 71850, 71882, 71092, 71694, 71710, 71752, 71763, 71789, 71809, 71851, 71885, 71682, 71695, 71711, 71753, 71764, 71791, 71810, 71857, 71886, 71686, 71696, 71712, 71755, 71765, 71793, 71811, 71858, 71889, 71687, 71698, 71716, 71756, 71766, 71795, 71813, 71859, 71893, 71688, 71700, 71746, 71757, 71767, 71797, 71814, 71873, 71894, 71689, 71701, 71747, 71758, 71768, 71799, 71815, 71874, 71896, 71690, 71705, 71748, 71759, 71769, 71801, 71816, 71877, 71897, 71691, 71707, 71749, 71760, 71780, 71806, 71817, 71878, 71899, 71900, 71937, 71957, 73417, 73427, 73440, 73453, 73470, 74073, 71903, 71939, 72184, 73418, 73428, 73441, 73454, 73471, 74097, 71904, 71940, 72419, 73419, 73429, 73445, 73455, 73472, 74098, 71907, 71943, 73409, 73420, 73430, 73446, 73456, 73760, 74099, 71908, 71944, 73411, 73421, 73431, 73447, 73464, 73761, 74100, 71911, 71947, 73412, 73422, 73433, 73448, 73465, 73762, 74101, 71912, 71948, 73413, 73423, 73435, 73449, 73466, 73763, 74102, 71915, 71952, 73414, 73424, 73437, 73450, 73467, 73886, 74103, 71916, 71953, 73415, 73425, 73438, 73451, 73468, 74047, 74104, 71936, 71956, 73416, 73426, 73439, 73452, 73469, 74072, 74105, 74107, 74125, 74143, 74293, 74305, 75280, 75297, 75307, 75317, 74108, 74127, 74144, 74294, 74306, 75282, 75299, 75308, 75318, 74109, 74129, 74285, 74295, 74307, 75283, 75300, 75309, 75319, 74110, 74131, 74286, 74296, 74432, 75284, 75301, 75310, 75320, 74111, 74132, 74287, 74299, 74987, 75285, 75302, 75311, 75321, 74112, 74134, 74288, 74300, 74991, 75287, 75303, 75312, 75322, 74116, 74135, 74289, 74301, 75248, 75289, 75304, 75313, 75323, 74119, 74137, 74290, 74302, 75273, 75291, 75305, 75314, 75324, 74121, 74139, 74291, 74303, 75276, 75293, 75305, 75315, 75333, 74123, 74141, 74292, 74304, 75278, 75295, 75306, 75316, 75334, 75335, 75355, 75376, 76369, 76536, 76593, 76602, 76613, 76639, 75336, 75358, 75377, 76370, 76537, 76593, 76603, 76614, 76640, 75337, 75360, 75379, 76372, 76538, 76594, 76605, 76615, 76642, 75338, 75362, 75382, 76374, 76540, 76595, 76606, 76616, 76737, 75344, 75364, 75384, 76375, 76542, 76596, 76607, 76618, 77253, 75346, 75365, 75386, 76376, 76588, 76597, 76608, 76619, 77260, 75346, 75367, 75588, 76377, 76589, 76598, 76609, 76621, 77261, 75350, 75370, 75798, 76406, 76590, 76599, 76610, 76629, 77262, 75351, 75372, 75802, 76407, 76591, 76600, 76611, 76630, 77263, 75353, 75375, 76139, 76534, 76592, 76601, 76612, 76638, 77264, 77265, 77811, 77852, 79382, 77266, 77815, 78174, 77267, 77817, 78175, 77270, 77820, 78176, 77322, 77823, 78518, 77647, 77851 and 79040.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution -- Including states of AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, IN, MO, MS, NV, OK, TN, TX, UT and WY and countries of Spain, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
  • Product Description
    Capless Li Pedicle Screw System, Diameters - 4.75mm, 5.5mm, 6.5mm, 7.5mm, 8.25mm, Lengths 30mm-55mm, labeled non-sterile. || The Capless LI Pedicle Screw System is indicated for the treatment of sever spondylolisthesis of the L5-S1 vertebra in skeletally mature patients receiving fusion by autogenous bone graft.
  • Manufacturer


  • Manufacturer Address
    X Spine Systems Inc, 452 Alexandersville Rd, Miamisburg OH 45342-3658
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source