Model Number: 10762470, 10893300, 10746665 Serial Numbers: 24644,24613,24615,40328,24611,24612,24614,40326,40322,40316,24599,24600,40404,24634,2464124590,40402,1314,40312,24591,24592,40327,40323,24656,24659,40335,1315,40332,40403,24605,40325,40313,24645,24610,24580,24648,24581
YSIO Max || Product Usage: || The Ysio Max is a radiographic system used in hospitals, clinics, and medical practices. Ysio Max enables radiographic and tomographic exposures of the whole body including: skull, chest, abdomen, and extremities and may be used on pediatric, adult and bariatric patients. It can also be used for intravenous, small interventions (like biopsy, punctures, etc.) and emergency (trauma, critical ill) applications. Exposures may be taken with the patient sitting, standing, or in the prone position. The Ysio Max system is not meant for mammography.
US Distribution to states of: ID, IL, MI, MN, MO, ND and PA.
Product Description
Ysio Max, Luminos dRF Max and Agile Max systems with software version VE10 and SmartOrtho license. || The Ysio Max is a radiographic system used in hospitals, clinics, and medical practices. Ysio Max enables radiographic and tomographic exposures of the whole body including: skull, chest, abdomen, and extremities and may be used on pediatric, adult and bariatric patients. It can also be used for intravenous, small interventions (like biopsy, punctures, etc.) and emergency (trauma, critical ill) applications. Exposures may be taken with the patient sitting, standing, or in the prone position. The Ysio Max system is not meant for mammography. The Ysio Max uses integrated or portable digital detectors for generating diagnostic images by converting x-rays into electronic signals. Ysio Max is also designed to be used with conventional film/screen or Computed Radiography (CR) cassettes.
Ysio (model number 10281013 or 10281163)
Ysio MAX (model number 10762470)
System Multix Fusion Analog (model number 10746665) with Tube stand 3D V (model number 7042042 or
Multix Fusion Digital Portable (model number 10746666) with Tube stand 3D V (model number 7042042)
Multix Fusion Digital Integrated (model number 10746667) with Tube stand 3D V (model number 7042042)
Multix Fusion Digital Wireless (model number 10893300) with Tube stand 3D V (model number 7042042)
FDA Update Codes:
AXIOM Multix MT (model number 8395415 or 8395399 or 8395381)
Serial Numbers 1137 1138 1525 1121 1132 1529 1074 1531 1472 1136 1119