TEE Transducer V5M

  • Model / Serial
    Serial Numbers: 200190, 200191, 200281, 200287, 200366, 200481, 200519, 200577, 200699, 200738, 200759, 200761, 200830, 200836, 200851, 200855, 200857, 200874, 200878, 200925, 201002, 200909, 200966, 200220, 200187, 200218, 200663, 200524, 200395, 200291, 200850, 200854, 200875, 200965, 200178, 200103, 200104, 200118, 200143, 200183, 200200, 200210, 200686, 200694, 200852, 200889, 200908, 200927, 201005, 200849, 200834, 200835, 200839, 200211, 200696, 200859, 200926, 200660, 200661, 200687, 200719
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and the countries of Australia, Canada, Switzerland, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Italy, South Korea, Norway, Turkmenistan, and Taiwan
  • Product Description
    TEE Transducer V5M, when used with the Acuson S2000 Ultrasound System, software versions: VA15, VA15A or VA15B; Model Numbers: 10041461 (Acuson S2000) and 8263703 (V5M Transducer); || Product is manufactured and distributed by Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Mountain View, CA || Product is a medical device, a multi-purpose mobile, software controlled diagnostic ultrasound system with and on-screen display for thermal and mechanical indices related to potential bio-effect mechanisms. tis function is to acquire primary or secondary harmonic ultrasound echo data and display it in B-mode, MMode, Pulsed(PW) Doppler mode, Continuous (CW) Doppler Mode, Color Doppler Mode, Amplitude Doppler Mode, a combination of modes, or harmonic imaging and 3d/4d imaging on a flat panel display. The device system is intended for the following applications: Fetal, Abdominal, Intraoperative, Pediatric, Small Parts, Transcranial, OB/GYN, Cardiac, Pelvic, Neonatal/Adult Cephalic, Vascular, Musculoskeletal, Superficial Musculoskeletal, and Peripheral Vascular applications. The system also provides ability to measure anatomical structures and calculation packages that provide information to the clinician that may be used adjunctively with other medical data obtained by a physician for clinical diagnosis purposes. The device is a multi frequency, multi plane, phased sector array transducer. In the TEE (transesophageal echocardiography process where the device fails, the transducer is introduced into the esophagus of the patient to obtain images of the heart structure.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., 1230 Shorebird Way, P.O. Box 7393, Mountain View CA 94043
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source