
  • Manufacturer Address
    Philips Medical Systems, Inc., 3000 Minuteman Rd, Andover MA 01810-1032
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source

5 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Radiological technology - stationary radiological equipment
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Software release 4.0
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) and the countries of Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi-Arabia, Singapore, and Thailand.
  • Product Description
    Philips Easy Diagnost Eleva DRF, Software release 4.0 || Fluoroscopic image-intensified Stationary X-Ray System.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    MD: Fluoroscopic x-ray system, general-purpose, stationary, analogue
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Site numbers 506647, 522015, 542061, 542308, 543275, 543426102549, 102551, 103130, 103515, 103522, 103523, 103666, 104078, 104614, 104812, 105482, 105589, 105678, 105775, 105777, 500003, 500032, 504642, 504643, 504803, 504804, 504879, 504941, 504962, 504966, 505062, 505063, 505104, 505255, 505349, 505539, 505540, 505606, 505806, 505871, 505926, 506117, 506199, 506205, 506208, 506210, 506231, 506233, 506248, 506249, 506250, 506251, 506275, 506276, 506277, 506278, 506281, 506305, 506554, 506828, 506844, 506845, 519117, 519121, 519122, 519128, 519152, 519773, 519879, 519900, 520182, 520183, 520209, 520300, 520301, 520516, 520707, 520798, 520806, 521135, 521153, 521606, 521654, 521658, 521869, 521942, 522015, 522193, 522271, 522399, 522401, 522443, 522470, 522480, 530573, 530607, 530795, 530797, 530798, 531769, 531832, 531857, 531860, 532069, 532107, 532137, 532139, 532157, 532170, 532174, 532177, 532360, 532397, 532398, 532426, 532471, 532477, 532479, 532766, 532779, 532842, 532971, 532978, 533234, 533240, 533243, 533313, 533389, 533396, 533451, 533470, 533490, 533491, 533528, 533558, 533562, 533565, 533566, 533574, 533766, 533770, 533771, 533867, 533898, 533914, 533918, 533968, 534207, 534419, 534434, 534596, 534599, 534600, 534615, 534644, 534647, 534675, 534677, 534694, 534782, 534803, 534805, 534815, 534822, 534824, 534850, 534867, 534945, 535021, 535233, 535255, 535365, 535378, 535382, 535436, 535437, 535500, 535613, 535757, 535765, 535771, 535785, 535908, 535995, 536011, 536051, 536081, 536082, 536179, 536200, 536394, 536458, 536522, 536636, 536637, 536687, 536765, 536840, 536914, 536933, 536938, 536941, 536973, 536984, 536985, 536994, 537013, 537087, 537091, 537179, 537186, 537492, 537518, 537571, 537654, 537689, 537761, 537796, 537803, 537863, 537945, 537946, 537967, 537970, 537971, 538237, 538328, 538351, 538407, 538451, 538458, 538462, 538477, 538480, 538519, 538759, 538812, 538866, 538891, 538901, 539040, 539095, 539101, 539103, 539237, 539291, 539310, 539339, 539411, 539419, 539488, 539501, 539519, 539527, 539557, 539590, 539683, 539785, 540022, 540163, 540187, 540361, 540380, 540445, 540457, 540459, 540624, 540788, 540810, 541011, 541054, 541063, 541075, 541078, 541083, 541093, 541348, 541402, 541494, 541535, 541614, 541694, 541721, 541803, 541838, 541850, 541872, 541884
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Units were distributed to 1543 hospitals and medical centers throughout the US. No international distribution from this firm.
  • Product Description
    Philips Easy Diagnost Eleva
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Site Numbers:  506250, 506251, 506276, 519152, 520209, 521153, 530573, 530607, 532426, 532779, 533491, 533574, 534207, 534419, 534644, 534647, 534675, 534803, 534945, 535378, 535437, 535785, 536051, 536458, 536522, 536636, 536637, 536687, 536765, 536840, 536933, 536941, 536973, 536985, 536994, 537013, 537087, 537091, 537179, 537186, 537492, 537518, 537571, 537689, 537761, 537796, 537803, 537863, 537945, 537946, 537970, 537971, 538237, 538328, 538351, 538407, 538451, 538458, 538462, 538477, 538480, 538519, 538759, 538812, 538814, 538866, 538891, 538901, 539040, 539095, 539101, 539103, 539237, 539291, 539310, 539339, 539377, 539378, 539379, 539411, 539419, 539488, 539501, 539519, 539527, 539529, 539530, 539557, 539590, 539683, 539785, 540022, 540163, 540187, 540361, 540380, 540445, 540457, 540459, 540624, 540788, 540810, 541011, 541054, 541063, 541078, 541083, 541093, 541348, 541402, 541494, 541535, 541614, 541694, 541721, 541803, 541838, 541850, 541872, 541884, 542061, 542121, 542122, 542205, 542308, 542401, 542521, 542537, 542589, 542593, 542716, 542829, 542849, 543136, 543144, 543224, 543241, 543249, 543275, 543297, 543331, 543369, 543415, 543426, 543619, 543620, 543660, 543723, 543754, 543755, 543771, 543776, 543803, 543841, 544075, 544113, 544172, 544228, 544236, 544297, 544341, 544417, 544480, 544481, 544568, 544648, 544654, 544695, 544937, 544999, 545000, 545038, 545120, 545163, 545166, 545213, 545231, 545234, 545244, 545391, 545452, 545710, 545746, 545780, 545783, 545824, 545844, 545923, 545948, 545951, 546029, 546155, 546490, 546524, 546551, 546583, 546602, 547054, 547189, 547243, 547297, 547304, 547371, 547598, 547599, 547655, 547657, 547744, 547758, 547759, 547798, 547936, 547937, 548021, 548276, 548290, 548302, 548382, 548559, 548784, 549008, 549080, 549269, 549270, 549381, 549416, 549509, 549557, 549616, 549663, 550072, 550079, 550197, 550313, 550591, 550804, 550936, 550960, 551005, 551416, 551573, 551616, 551645, 551721, 551759, 551941, 551954, 551980, 552204, 552205, 552211, 552324, 552363, 552364, 552407, 552502, 552579, 552594, 552626, 552640, 552917, 552918, 552965, 552966, 553013, 553172, 553207, 553224, 553230, 553275, 553349, 553387, 553441, 553448, 553455, 553563, 553850, 553893, 553900, 553926, 554061, 554483, 554581, 554641, 554721, 554722, 554769, 555052, 555269, 555458, 555524, 555574, 555626, 555964, 555993, 556124, 556621, 556622, 556726, 556785, 556984, 557177, 557259, 557272, 558437, 558596, 558734, 558775, 41443799, 41444441, 41658234, 41862667, 42039161, and 537967 / 49371595.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationside Distribution: USA, including the states of AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, and WV. Devices are not distributed to any foreign consignees.
  • Product Description
    Product's marketing brochure is labeled in part: "Philips Easy Diagnost Eleva Conventional R/F system...PHILIPS". manufactured by Philips Medical Systems Gmbh, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Manufacturer