Device Recall Digital Radiography System with Flat Panel Detector

  • Model / Serial
    Serial numbers: B5522165, W1C0562187, W1C0572197, W1C0572202, W1C0622275, W1C0622270, A3632065, A3622066, W1C0456192, W1C0632284, W1D0722373, W1D0742386, B5512160, W1C0592213, W1C0592215, A4562099, W1C05Z2254, B4582113, W1C0642289, W1D0697015, W1C0552182, W1C05X2224, W1D0742387
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide-including states of AL, AR, FL, GA, MI, NY, OH, PA, TX & WV
  • Product Description
    Toshiba-Interventional Angiography System, Infinix i, Model DFP-8000D, equiped with Digital Radiography System with Software version 3.4er000, Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc., Tustine, CA 92780
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    Toshiba American Med Sys Inc, 2441 Michelle Dr, P.O. Box 2068, Tustin CA 92781-2068
  • Source