Device Recall AGFA Digital Radiography XRay system DXD 100

  • Model / Serial
    Serial # A5410000053, A5410000054, A5410000067, A5410000068, A5410000069, A5410000070, A5410000072, A5410000073, A5411000315, A5411000331, A5411000332, A5411000141, A5411000144, A5411000038, A5411000069, A5411000133, A5411000175, A5411000119, A5411000123, A5411000333, A5411000334, A5410000038, A5411000019, A5411000047, A5411000048, A5411000053, A5410000041, A5410000042, A5410000046, A5410000016, A5410000039, A5410000021, A5410000023, A5411000074, A5411000080, A5411000024, A5411000184, A5411000193, A5411000196, A5410000100, A5410000114, A5410000115, A5410000116, A5410000117, A5411000342, A5411000343, A5411000344, A5411000366, A5411000368, A5411000237, A5411000027, A5411000020, A5411000021, A5411000132, A5411000070, A5411000078, A5411000082, A5411000154, A5411000156, A54110000107, A5410000082, A5410000066, A5411000236, A5411000155, A5411000151, A5411000148, A5411000149, A5411000134, A5411000120, A5411000125, A5411000147, A5410000079, A5411000185, A5411000191, A5411000192, A5411000194, A5411000239, A5411000052, A5411000030, A5411000314, A5411000348, A5411000268, A5411000347, A5411000349, A5411000140, A5411000142, A5411000097, A5410000022, A5411000017, A5410000027, A5411000153, A5411000233, A5411000234, A5411000235, A5411000318, A5410000044, A5411000037, A5410000043, A5411000181, A5411000158, A5411000152, A5411000263, A5411000309, A5411000199, A5411000209, A5411000210, A5411000232, A5411000346, A5411000124, A5411000174, A5411000177, A5411000230, A5411000173, A5411000316, A5411000145, A5411000188, A5411000197, A5411000202, A5411000203, A5411000206, A5411000208, A5411000335, A5411000336, A5411000159, A5411000041, A5411000050, A5411000088, A5411000247, A5411000079, A5411000040, A5411000240, A5411000085, A5411000277, A5411000278, A5411000279, A5411000280, A5411000281, A5411000282, A5411000245, A5411000064, A5411000065, A5411000187, A5411000198, A5411000207, A5411000211, A5411000212, A5411000231, A5411000039, A5411000032, A5411000083, A5411000122, A5411000108, A5411000110, A5411000241, A5411000246, A5411000114, A5411000033, A5411000139, A5411000312, A5411000182, A5411000190, A5411000218, A5411000249, A5411000084, A5411000098, A5411000238, A5411000116, A5410000042, A5411000023, A5411000337, A5411000338, A5411000340, A5411000314, A5411000117, A5411000121, A5411000262, A5411000270, A5411000272, A5411000273, A5411000293, A5411000260, A5411000264, A5411000269, A5411000271, A5411000291, A5411000292, A5411000261, A5411000265, A5411000266, A5411000267, A5411000363, A5411000034, A5411000025, A5411000081, A5411000146, A5411000092, A5411000093, A5411000026, A5411000068, A5411000131, A5411000060, A5411000018, A5411000100, A5411000313, A5411000284, A5411000076, A5411000135, A5411000180, A5411000285, A5411000311, A5411000286, A5411000062, A5411000136, A5411000178, A5411000179, A5411000283
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    USA (nationwide) including the states of AL, CA, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, WI, WY and Internationally to Canada.
  • Product Description
    AGFA Digital Radiography X-Ray system DX-D 100 || Agfa's DX-D 100 is indicated for use in providing diagnostic quality images to aid the physician with diagnosis. Systems can be used with MUSICA2 image processing to create radiographic images of the skeleton including skull, spinal column and extremities: chest, abdomen, and other body parts. Agfa's DX-D 100 is not indicated for use in mammography.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    AGFA Corp., 10 S Academy St, Greenville SC 29601-2632
  • Source

2 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    A5410000053, A5410000054, A5411000439, A5411000446, A5411000447, A5411000448, A5410000067, A5410000068, A5410000069, A5410000070, A5410000072, A5410000073, A5411000420, A5410000100, A5410000107, A5410000114, A5410000115, A5410000116, A5410000117, A5410000132, A5410000133, A5410000134, A5410000039, A5411000140, A5411000142, A5411000314, A5411000342, A5411000347, A5411000349, A5410000007, A5411000017, A5411000315, A5411000331, A5411000332, A5411000463, A5411000141, A5411000144, A5411000069, A5411000133, A5411000175, A5411000119, A5411000123, A5411000019, A5411000400, A5411000401, A5411000047, A5411000048, A5411000053, A5410000041, A5411000042, A5411000046, A5411000041, A5411000079, A5411000024, A5411000038, A5411000083, A5411000032, A5411000132, A5411000247, A5411000088, A5411000050, A5411000070, A5411000078, A5411000082, A5411000476, A5411000478, A5411000480, A5411000482, A5411000489, A5411000490, A5411000154, A5411000156, A5411000404, A5411000236, A5411000155, A5411000151, A5411000191, A5411000192, A5411000194, A5411000196, A5411000249, A5411000052, A5411000185, A5411000237, A5411000030, A5411000397, A5411000348, A5411000193, A5411000268, A5411000403, A5411000153, A5411000233, A5411000235, A5411000318, A5411000398, A5411000371, A5410000043, A5411000181, A5411000158, A5411000152, A5411000309, A5411000263, A5411000199, A5411000209, A5411000210, A5411000232, A5411000346, A5411000124, A5411000174, A5411000177, A5411000230, A5411000468, A5411000469, A5411000470, A5411000173, A5411000316, A5411000145, A5411000188, A5411000197, A5411000202, A5411000203, A5411000206, A5411000208, A5411000335, A5411000338, A5411000159, A5410000038, A5411000148, A5411000149, A5411000134, A5411000125, A5411000147, A5411000039, A5411000121, A5411000405, A5411000372, A5411000120, A5411000117, A5411000333, A5411000334, A5411000040, A5411000377, A5411000240, A5411000085, A5411000419, A5411000097, A5411000281, A5411000278, A5411000279, A5411000492, A5411000280, A5411000282, A5411000245, A5411000277, A5411000184, A5411000064, A5411000065, A5411000187, A5411000198, A5411000207, A5411000211, A5411000212, A5411000231, A5411000399, A5411000491, A5411000493, A5411000122, A5411000495, A5411000312, A5410000044, A5411000037, A5411000108, A5411000110, A5411000114, A5411000241, A5411000246, A5411000074, A5411000080, A5411000033, A5411000139, A5411000182, A5411000190, A5411000021, A5411000374, A5411000218, A5411000084, A5411000098, A5411000238, A5411000116, A5411000408, A5411000409, A5410000042, A5411000023, A5411000337, A5411000338, A5411000340, A5411000341, A5411000475, A5411000373, A5410000079, A5410000131, A5410000066, A5410000082, A5411000025, A5411000262, A5411000270, A5411000272, A5411000273, A5411000293, A5411000363, A5411000260, A5411000264, A5411000269, A5411000271, A5411000291, A5411000292, A5411000261, A5411000265, A5411000266, A5411000267, A5411000034, A5411000081, A5411000146, A5411000092, A5411000093, A5411000407, A5411000026, A5411000068, A5411000367, A5411000368, A5411000465, A5411000060, A5411000131
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Distribution to the states of : AL, CA, DC, FL, GA, IL, IA, KY, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NE, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV, WI and WY.
  • Product Description
    AGFA DX-D 100 is a mobile digital radiography x-ray system
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Serial Number A5410000042
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US in the state of WV
  • Product Description
    Agfa Digital Radiography X-Ray System DX-D 100 || Product Usage: Is indicated for use in providing diagnostic quality images to aid the physician with diagnoses.
  • Manufacturer