Device Recall Stryker

  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: 234-010-078, Lot # 32101;  Part Number: 234-010-080, Lot # 32103
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    6 consignees (locations to be determined) received 15 units. the remaining 147 units were distributed to international divisions.
  • Product Description
    Stryker brand Bioabsorbable ACL Interference Screw, 10mm X 35mm; 12mm X 35mm || Part Numbers: 234-010-078; 234-010-080
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    Stryker Endoscopy, 5900 Optical Ct, San Jose CA 95138-1400
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source

499 devices with a similar name

Learn more about the data here

  • Model / Serial
    Serial numbers 0412060619, 0501073240, 0501073241, 0501073327, 0501073328, 0501073329, 0501073330, 0408062292, 0408062293, 0502069215, 0504072232, 0409062008, 0409062003, 0409062004, 0409062005, 0409062006, 0410065050, 0502069214, 0410058767, 0409062001, 0409062274, 0512070516, 0602079782, 0602079817, 0602079818, 0602079819, 0408062389, 0408062390, 0408062391, 0409062007, 0411060535, 0506071242, 0410065046, 0501073064, 0501073065, 0501073066, 0501073084, 0501073085, 0501073086, 0501073087, 0501073188, 0501073189, 0501073190, 0602079542, 0506071118, 0510071070, 0510071071, 0510071072, 0605087579, 0504072089, 0602079541, 0505069588, 0502069314, 0502069315, 0510071241, 0511071674, 0511071675, 0511071676, 0511071677, 0511071678, 0511071679, 0511071680, 0504072088, 0512070514, 0512070515, 0412060744, 0412060745, 0412060746, 0412060855, 0412060856, 0412060857, 0501073001, 0501073002, 0501073003, 0502069148, 0601084043, 0507070537, 0510071069, 0502069034, 0502069035, 0502069036, 0502069150, 0502069151, 0502069152, 0502069153, 0510071243, 0410058765, 0507070691, 0507070692, 0507070693, 0507070694, 0507070695, 0507070696, 0507070697, 0507070698, 0507070699, 0507070700, 0603084573, 0409062002, 0410058766, 0502069149, 0503068501, 0503068502, 0503068503, 0506071116, 0506071117, 0506071241, 0603084574, 0410065049, 0501073373, 0501073374, 0501073375, 0501073376, 0502069032, 0502069033, 0502069313, 0603084672, 0411060618, 0411060619, 0411060620, 0411060621, 0411060802, 0411060803, 0411060804, 0412060504, 0412060505, 0412060506, 0412060616, 0412060617, 0412060618, 0505069589, 0505069590, 0505069591, 0505069592, 0410065047, 0509069501, 0509069502, 0505069749, 0505069750, 0502069216,  0410065045, 0410065048, 0411060801, 0408062151, 0409062273, 0409062275, 0502069312, 0503068633, 0503068634, 0503068635, 0503068636, 0511071540, 0511071541, 0511071542, 0511071543 and 0503068637.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide (including USA, Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Italy, Romania and Singapore).
  • Product Description
    Stryker Trio Mobile Surgery Platform; Model 1033.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Lots 04051142--06121FE2, 04051142--06123FE2
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
  • Product Description
    Stryker brand Insufflation Tube Set and High Flow Insufflation Tube Set, || Model Numbers: || 620-030-201, || 620-030-301
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    All units with a serial number lower than 060739380. (units manufactured between 1 Oct 2005 and 15 July 2006)
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution ---- including USA and countries of Canada, China, Germany and Switzerland.
  • Product Description
    Stryker Power-PRO Powered Ambulance Cot, Model 6500.
  • Manufacturer
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