Device Recall Sovereign Compact Phacoemulsification System
Model / Serial
Product Name: Sovereign¿ Compact Console Universal, Part Number: CMP680300. The Sovereign¿ Compact console is identified with a unique, sequentially assigned 3 digit number identified below as XXX. For Sovereign¿ Compact systems manufactured at the Third Party Manufacturer, Sanmina-SCI Corporation, the serial number format is YYYY35XXX where Y is for the year manufactured and "35" designates manufacturing at Sanmina-SCI Corporation. The Sanmina-SCI Corporation started manufacturing the Sovereign¿ Compact v 5.3 systems in February 2012. For Sovereign¿ Compact systems manufactured at the AMO Manufacturing USA, LLC facility in Milpitas, CA the serial number format is YYYY80XXX where Y is for the year manufactured and "80" designates manufacturing at Milpitas. The Milpitas facility started manufacturing the v 5.3 systems in February 2013. The serial number is contained in the Product Identification Label (part number Z352548) that is attached to the rear of the console for systems manufactured.