Catalog numbers: 107M-14 (0.1 ml concentrate); 107M-15 (0.5 ml concentrate); 107M-16 (1.0 ml concentrate); 107M-17 - (1.0 ml predilute) and 107M-18 (7.0 ml predilute). Product lot # 8109, Exp 2012-09.
Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and the countries of Australia, Greece, Turkey, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France, Israel, S. Korea, Pakistan, Morocco, Russia and Brazil.
Product Description
Cell Marque CD7 (MRQ-12); || Mouse Monoclonal Antibody, || Antibody is bottle in HDPE bottle with screw cap lid with container label. Then put in cardboard Box with outer box label. || Cell Marque, Rocklin, CA 95677, || intended for qualified laboratories to qualitatively identify by light microscopy, the presence of associated antigens in section of formalin fixed, paraffin embedded tissue section using manual or automated IHC test methods. Use of this antibody is indicated as an aid in diagnostic determination of human tumors within the context of the patient's clinical history and other diagnostic tests evaluated by a qualified pathologist or physician.