

  • Manufacturer Address
    Kendall Healthcare Products Co, 15 Hampshire St, Mansfield MA 02048-1113
  • Source

35 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    All lots
  • Product Classification
  • Distribution
    Nationwide International: Canada, Chile, Singapore. Belgium
  • Product Description
    Tandem-Cath Hemodialysis Cuffed Catheter with no side holes || 10 Fr 28 cm Arterial Cuff/31cm Venous Cuff || Code #: 8888-228310
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    All lots
  • Distribution
    Nationwide International: Canada, Chile, Singapore. Belgium
  • Product Description
    Tandem-Cath Hemodialysis Cuffed Catheter with no side holes || 10 Fr 19 cm Arterial Cuff/22cm Venous Cuff || Code #: 8888-219220
  • Manufacturer
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