Device Recall Artiste Maverick Tint

  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: N36TB, Lot/Serial Number: 3416180
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) and the countries of: Armenia, Russia and Ukraine.
  • Product Description
    Artiste Maverick Tint, Part Number: N36TB, Lot/Serial Numbers: 3416180, Product Description and Intended Use: The intended use of this device is for internal color characterization and includes 3 opaques for blocking out deep staining or metal substrates. || Product Usage: The intended use of this device is for internal color characterization and includes 3 opaques for blocking out deep staining or metal substrates.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    Kerr Corporation, 1717 W Collins Ave, Orange CA 92867-5422
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source