
  • Manufacturer Address
    Roche Diagnostics Corp., 9115 Hague Rd, Indianapolis IN 46256-1025
  • Source

73 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    05075572002, 05075599002, 05075602002, 05075629002, Part numbers: 05180848002, 05075246002, 05075530002, 05075548002, 05075556002, 05075564002 these are not finished device part numbers and were not intended for use in the US.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) including the states of AZ, NY, RI, TN, NJ, IN, TX, AL, NV, CA, OR, KY, IL, AR, NM, NE, MD, MO, GA, and SD.
  • Product Description
    ACCU-CHEK Aviva Nano Blood Glucose Meter || No product labeling, beyond the labels applied to the meter, was provided with the meter as these meters were never intended to be distributed. A representative copy of product labeling that would have been included in a finished device kit is attached. || The Accu-Chek Aviva Nano Blood Glucose meter is intended to be used with Accu-Chek Aviva test strips for the quantitative measurement of glucose (sugar) in fresh capillary whole blood samples drawn from the fingertips or palm. The system is intended to be used by a single person and should not be shared. The system is intended for self-testing outside the body (in vitro diagnostic use) by people with diabetes at home as an aid to monitor the effectiveness of diabetes control. The system should not be used for the diagnosis of or screening of diabetes or for neonatal use. Alternative site testing should be done only during steady-state times (when glucose is not changing rapidly).
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog: 04541405001 and Lots: 5044359, 5061929
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution
  • Product Description
    ACCU-CHEK¿ Tender I 13/60 10 pieces || Product Usage: Usage: || Intended for the infusion and/or injection of fluids into the body below the surface of the skin. The indwelling catheter can be inserted independently from the infusion catheter and can be accessed for the injections through the injection port. The indwelling catheter can also be securely attached to the infusion catheter by means of a proprietary click-lock connector for the infusion of drugs subcutaneously. The infusion set can be detached from the indwelling catheter, and the catheter capped to allow freedom from the infusion set and pump for showers, athletics or other activities.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog: 04541413001 and lots: 5032437, 5040421, 5053290, and 5065549.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution
  • Product Description
    ACCU-CHEK Tender I 13/80 10 pieces || Product Usage: || Intended for the infusion and/or injection of fluids into the body below the surface of the skin. The indwelling catheter can be inserted independently from the infusion catheter and can be accessed for the injections through the injection port. The indwelling catheter can also be securely attached to the infusion catheter by means of a proprietary click-lock connector for the infusion of drugs subcutaneously. The infusion set can be detached from the indwelling catheter, and the catheter capped to allow freedom from the infusion set and pump for showers, athletics or other activities.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog: 04541391001 and lot: 5062206.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution
  • Product Description
    ACCU-CHEK Tender I 13/110 10 pieces || Product Usage: || Intended for the infusion and/or injection of fluids into the body below the surface of the skin. The indwelling catheter can be inserted independently from the infusion catheter and can be accessed for the injections through the injection port. The indwelling catheter can also be securely attached to the infusion catheter by means of a proprietary click-lock connector for the infusion of drugs subcutaneously. The infusion set can be detached from the indwelling catheter, and the catheter capped to allow freedom from the infusion set and pump for showers, athletics or other activities.
  • Manufacturer
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