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UA767PBTCi for small cuff; Blood Pressure Monitor Cardiology
Model / Serial
Serial numbers: 5150100209 5150100207 5150100204 5150100203 5150100210 5150301449 5150301448 5150301444 5150301445 5150301446 5150301443 5150301450 5150301441 5150301442 5150301447 5150402687 5150402720 5150402711 5150402729 5150402714 5150402830 5150402810 5150402826 5150402839 5150402730 5150402835 5150402716 5150402762 5150402769 5150402768 5150402834 5150402726 5150402832 5150402809 5150402829 5150402764 5150402823 5150402760 5150402806 5150402787 5150402756 5150402784 5150402761 5150402783 5150402801 5150402821 5150402802 5150402805 5150402833 5150402824 5150402838 5150402649 5150402827 5150402650 5150402804 5150402757 5150402685 5150402763 5150402770 5150402790 5150402645 5150402755 5150402715 5150402782 5150402789 5150402753 5150402807 5150402644 5150402803 5150402688 5150402767 5150402786 5150402686 5150402721 5150402713 5150402682 5150402728 5150402717 5150402723 5150402689 5150402712 5150402752 5150402727 5150402725 5150402648 5150402684 5150402690 5150402642 5150402647 5150402683 5150402719 5150402759 5150402766 5150402751 5150402681 5150402754 5150402765 5150402722 5150402724 5150402758 5150402643 5150402718 5150402641 5150402788 5150402837 5150402828 5150402646 5150402840 5150402836 5150402808 5150402781 5150402822 5150402785 5150402825 5150402831 5150200109 5150200108 5150200469 5150200468 5150200102 5150200242 5150200103 5150200529 5150200522 5150200526 5150200525 5150200467 5150200523 5150200521 5150200528 5150200527 5150200465 5150200341 5150200463 5150200106 5150200342 5150200105 5150200343 5150200345 5150200347 5150200349 5150200241 5150200247 5150200243 5150200244 5150200246 5150200248 5150200249 5150200250 5150200245 5150200348 5150200346 5150200350 5150200344 5150200107 5150200524 5150200464 5150200470 5150200461 5150200462 5150200466 5150200530 5150200104 5150200110 5150200101 5150100992 5150100997 5150100994 5150100993 5150100999 5150101126 5150101122 5150100991 5150100995 5150101123 5150100998 5150101128 5150101125 5150101127 5150100996 5150101000 5150101124 5150100630 5150100870 5150100869 5150100861 5150100864 5150100868 5150100866 5150100867 5150100863 5150100862 5150100865 5150101129 5150101121 5140601121 5140601127 5140601123 5140601126 5140601124 5140601122 5140601129 5140601125 5140601128 5140601199 5140601200 5140601194 5140601196 5140601195 5140601130 5140601191 5140601193 5140601198 5140601192 5140601197 5140800577 5140800575 5140800580 5140800573 5140800579 5150402489 5150402488 5150402396 5150402467 5150402521 5150402490 5150402567 5150402466 5150402463 5150402528 5150402465 5150402525 5150402529 5150402564 5150402313 5150402315 5150402316 5150402319 5150402317 5150402311 5150402568 5150402392 5150402399 5150402486 5150402484 5150402487 5150402485 5150402523 5150402526 5150402483 5150402469 5150402462 5150402481 5150402464 5150402470 5150402461 5150402468 5150402530 5150402522 5150402524 5150402400 5150402318 5150402391 5150402393 5150402562 5150402482 5150402312 5150402394 5150402570 5150402397 5150402566 5150402320 5150402398 5150402314 5150402569 5150402412 5150402416 5150402414 5150402417 5150402413 5150402418 5150402411 5150402420 5150402527 5150402563 5150402357 5150402135 5150402565 5150402561 5150402415 5150402419 5150402395 5150402138 5150402139 5150402132 5150402134 5150402131 5150402351 5150402358 5150402355 5150402354 5.06001E+12 5150402129 5150402126 5150402127 5150402130 5150402125 5150402356 5150402352 5150402137 5150402136 5150402133 5150402360 5150402140 5150402353 5150301760 5150301752 5150301716 5150301720 5150301751 5140800617 5140800482 5140800613 5140800489 5140800619 5140800488 5140800614 5140800483 5140800615 5140800490 5140800620 5140800612 5140800616 5140800618 5140800611 5140800486 5140800481 5140800484 5140800487 5140800485 5140800576 5140800578 5140800571 5140800574 5140800572 5150301725 5150301733 5150301724 5150200069 5150200068 5150200066 5150200063 5150200070 5150200061 5150200065 5150200064 5150200067 5150200062 5150702417 5150702411 5150702416 5150702418 5150702413 5150701011 5150702153 5150702159 5150702155 5150702156 5150702322 5150702157 5150702327 5150702154 5150702329 5150702326 5150702151 5150702152 5150702160 5150702158.
Product Classification
Cardiovascular Devices
Device Class
Implanted device?
to distributors in NY, MA, VA. TX,
Product Description
Blood Pressure Monitor UA-767PBT-Ci for small cuff. Designed to be used by end users who are eighteen (18) years and older at home to monitor their blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) and pulse rate.
A & D Enginering Inc
1 Event
Recall of UA767PBTCi for small cuff; Blood Pressure Monitor Cardiology
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A & D Enginering Inc
Manufacturer Address
A & D Enginering Inc, 1756 Automation Pkwy, San Jose CA 95131-1873
Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
A&D Co., Ltd.