Panorama Patient Monitoring Network

  • Model / Serial
    Software version 8.5.5, 8.5.6, 8.6.1, or 8.7.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution -- USA and Australia.
  • Product Description
    Panorama Patient Monitoring Network with ambulatory telepacks, and software version 8.5.5, 8.5.6, 8.6.1 or 8.7. || Datascope Patient Monitoring || Intended for use in a fixed location, in the healthcare facility setting, as a central viewing station.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


6 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    All units currently out in the market.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    There were 68 domestic customers nationwide and 2 international customers in Belgium and Italy.
  • Product Description
    Panorama Patient Monitoring Network. Cardiac Arrhythmia Monitor.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Part Number 0040-00-0366-20.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    The affected software was distributed to 108 domestic sites and seven international sites. There are no sale of affected Panorama software to the US Govt.
  • Product Description
    Panorama Patient Monitoring Network, Cardiac Arrhythmia Monitor.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    All Panorama Central Station containing software versions 8.1.6 - 8.2
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    The product was distributed to hospitals and clinics nationwide. There is one US Government account, VA Medical Center, Birmingham, AL.
  • Product Description
    Panorama Patient Monitoring Network, Cardiac Arrhythmia Monitor.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Medical electronics / Electromedical devices
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    p/n 0998-00-0708-01; 0998-UC-0708-01 and 0020-00-0205-XXX
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA Nationwide Distribution
  • Product Description
    Panaroma Central Station || Product Usage: This device can view real time, store, print, graph, and trend patient clinical and demographic data. The device can also set independent alarm limits for data send by the bedside monitor.
  • Manufacturer
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