Part Number DYNJAAF6225, 20 per case, Lot Number: 574481104; Part Number DYNJAAF6261, 20 per case, Lot Numbers: 570601004, 577491104, 578371104; Part Number DYNJAPF4000, 20 per case, Lot Numbers: 570701004, 589820105, 590030105, 593300105, 597460105
Product was distributed domestically to customers in CA, AZ, IL, CO, OR, FL, VA, OH, MI, and UT. Product was also distributed to the following foreign countries: Malaysia, Mexico, and New Zealand
Product Description
Circuit-Unilimb, Adult, 1M (40''), Disposable, Clean Non-sterile, Adult Anesthesia Circuit, Part Numbers DYNJAAF4000, DYNJAAF6225, and DYNJAAF6261. Manufactured for Medline Industries, Inc., Mundelein, IL 60060, Made in Mexico.
Medline EndurO2 Oxygen Concentrator with Oxygen Monitor; Portable oxygen generator; Reorder Number: HCS02; Packaged in 1 unit per case; Product is an oxygen generator designed to provide oxygen to patient who has been prescribed oxygen therapy by a physician.
Medline EndurO2 Oxygen Concentrator without Oxygen Monitor; Portable oxygen generator; Reorder Number: HCS021; Packaged in 1 unit per case; Product is an oxygen generator designed to provide oxygen to patient who has been prescribed oxygen therapy by a physician.