Device Recall King Systems KLTSD414 airway

  • Model / Serial
    Lot Number(s): I15LB
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Distributed in the states of CA, NY
  • Product Description
    King Systems || KLTSD414 || Quantity, 5 PER CASE KING LTSD || KIT SIZE 4 || King LT(S)-DTM || supraglottic airway || Identification Part Number(s): KLTSD414 || KING LTSD KIT/KIT/TROUSSE/KIT SIZE 4 || Contents: 1 - KLTSD Size 4......(155 - 180cm) .. 1 - 60cc Syringe 1 - Sterile || Lubricant 32-5332 05/10 || Intended for use in adult patients (in excess of 25 kg) for controlled ventilation during anesthesia for procedures that are short in duration.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    King Systems Corp., 15011 Herriman Blvd, Noblesville IN 46060-4253
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source