Device Recall CBC II Wound Drains

  • Model / Serial
    Part Number:0225-019-000 and lot numbers: 10111012 11018012 11273012 12296012 13066012 13175012 14029012 14143012 10131012 11115012 12237012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution. US nationwide, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, South Africa, and Japan.
  • Product Description
    1/4 in. Curved Trocar with Wound Drain || Curved Trocar with Wound Drain/Double Trocar with Wound Drain: The curved trocar wound drain has a curved metal trocar attached to one end of the flexible wound drain tube. There is also a polymeric trocar guard that provides protection from the sharp end of the trocar during handling. The double trocar wound drain has metal trocars on either side of the flexible wound drain tube. These are also equipped with trocar guards.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Manufacturer Address
    Stryker Instruments Div. of Stryker Corporation, 4100 E Milham Ave, Portage MI 49002-9704
  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Source

10 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: 0215-015-000 and lot numbers: 10090012 10272012 11110012 11264012 12044012 12249012 13144012 14035012 10104012 10292012 11126012 11269012 12051012 12264012 13176012 14057012 10123012 10320012 11143012 11287012 12081012 12297012 13217012 14088012 10141012 10334012 11146012 11298012 12116012 12339012 13247012 14167012 10158012 10344012 11146022 11318012 12139012 12353012 13266012 14168012 10187012 11005012 11159012 11337012 12152012 13003012 13276012 14213012 10208012 11041012 11194012 11346012 12159012 13008012 13294012 14253012 10228012 11048012 11213012 12011012 12179012 13105012 13312012 14265012 10236012 11075012 11244012 12023012 12228012 13119012 13338012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution. US nationwide, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, South Africa, and Japan.
  • Product Description
    3/16 in. Trocar with Single Drain || Curved Trocar with Wound Drain/Double Trocar with Wound Drain: The curved trocar wound drain has a curved metal trocar attached to one end of the flexible wound drain tube. There is also a polymeric trocar guard that provides protection from the sharp end of the trocar during handling. The double trocar wound drain has metal trocars on either side of the flexible wound drain tube. These are also equipped with trocar guards.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: 0215-015-200 and lot numbers: 10074012 10280012 11110012 11271012 12066012 12349012 13225012 14022012 10105012 10294012 11138012 11298012 12080012 13016012 13260012 14070012 10118012 10315012 11151012 11346012 12091012 13077012 13268012 14163012 10155012 10319012 11185012 11356012 12181012 13115012 13303012 14169012 10215012 10344012 11189012 12025012 12275012 13120012 13323012 14195012 10242012 11025012 11264012 12053012 12290012 13148012 13346012 14246012 10252012 11033012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution. US nationwide, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, South Africa, and Japan.
  • Product Description
    3/16 in. Double Trocar with Wound Drain || Curved Trocar with Wound Drain/Double Trocar with Wound Drain: The curved trocar wound drain has a curved metal trocar attached to one end of the flexible wound drain tube. There is also a polymeric trocar guard that provides protection from the sharp end of the trocar during handling. The double trocar wound drain has metal trocars on either side of the flexible wound drain tube. These are also equipped with trocar guards.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: 0215-018-200 and lot numbers: 10082012 10266012 11089012 11222012 12047012 12240012 13121012 14034012 10099012 10289012 11109012 11231012 12059012 12256012 13145012 14072012 10105012 10309012 11122012 11241012 12072012 12283012 13156012 14083012 10118012 10319012 11129012 11252012 12080012 12319012 13194012 14164012 10134012 10323012 11136012 11271012 12125012 12332012 13235012 14170012 10168012 10342012 11143012 11305012 12144012 12349012 13260012 14234012 10180012 11012012 11151012 11337012 12152012 13015012 13275012 10217012 11035012 11168012 11355012 12157012 13039012 13317012 10229012 11052012 11188012 12004012 12178012 13057012 13343012 10256012 11070012 11199012 12027012 12198012 13086012 14016012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution. US nationwide, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, South Africa, and Japan.
  • Product Description
    1/8 in. Double Trocar with Wound Drain || Curved Trocar with Wound Drain/Double Trocar with Wound Drain: The curved trocar wound drain has a curved metal trocar attached to one end of the flexible wound drain tube. There is also a polymeric trocar guard that provides protection from the sharp end of the trocar during handling. The double trocar wound drain has metal trocars on either side of the flexible wound drain tube. These are also equipped with trocar guards.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: 0215-019-000 and lot numbers: 10095012 10312012 11060012 11186012 11346012 12115012 12349012 13262012 10109012 10321012 11067012 11192012 11356012 12157012 13017012 13277012 10127012 10347012 11088012 11220012 12003012 12193012 13023012 13347012 10189012 10355012 11097012 11230012 12009012 12206012 13044012 14020012 10195012 11011012 11117012 11269012 12026012 12235012 13063012 14030012 10274012 11039012 11136012 11286012 12031012 12290012 13145012 14039012 10285012 11059012 11178012 11335012 12060012 12310012 13254012 14066012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution. US nationwide, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, South Africa, and Japan.
  • Product Description
    1/4 in. Trocar with Single Drain || Curved Trocar with Wound Drain/Double Trocar with Wound Drain: The curved trocar wound drain has a curved metal trocar attached to one end of the flexible wound drain tube. There is also a polymeric trocar guard that provides protection from the sharp end of the trocar during handling. The double trocar wound drain has metal trocars on either side of the flexible wound drain tube. These are also equipped with trocar guards.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Part Number: 0215-019-200 and lot numbers: 14122012
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution. US nationwide, Australia, Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Greece, Switzerland, South Africa, and Japan.
  • Product Description
    1/4 in. Double Trocar with Wound Drain || Curved Trocar with Wound Drain/Double Trocar with Wound Drain: The curved trocar wound drain has a curved metal trocar attached to one end of the flexible wound drain tube. There is also a polymeric trocar guard that provides protection from the sharp end of the trocar during handling. The double trocar wound drain has metal trocars on either side of the flexible wound drain tube. These are also equipped with trocar guards.
  • Manufacturer
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