Target Detachable Coils


  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
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38 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    Catalog Number: M0035442540; M0035421520; M0035431520; M0035452530; M0035452040; M0035442040; M0035421030; M0035431030; M0035452060; M0035453060; M0035421540; M0035431020; M0035443560; M0035452540; M0035453040; M0035421530; M0035431010; M0035443040; M0035453080; M0035452030; M0035442030; M0035431540; M0035443060; M0035452560; M0035431510; M0035421020; M0035431530; Batch Number: Viz FSN
  • Product Description
    Inactive implantable medical devices
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Stryker Neurovascular Target Detachable Coils, Stryker Neurovascular
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Stryker:Target Detachable Coils
  • Manufacturer
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