

14 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    In-vitro diagnostics - haematological, histological and cytological products
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    06311.531 06311.54.1 and 06311.55.1
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog Number: 005510 / 005511 Model Number: 6311 Batch Number: 06311.53.1 (exp. 25.04.2016), 06311.54.1 (exp. 09.05.2016), 06311.55.1 (exp. 23.05.2016)
  • Product Description
    Diagnostic medical devices in vitro
  • Manufacturer
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