Access BR Monitor used with the Access Family of Immunoassay Systems


  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Manufacturers representative
    Al-Jeel Medical & Trading Co. LTD
  • Source

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  • Model / Serial
    Access BR Monitor used with the Access family of Immunoassay systems. An in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD)Reference Number: 387620Lot Numbers:623913 (exp 31 May 2017)625701 (exp 30 Aug 2017)628771 (exp 30 Sep 2017)630349 (exp 31 Jan 2018)633070 (exp 28 Feb 2018)723522 (exp 31 Mar 2018)723523 (exp 30 Apr 2018)723741 (exp 30 Jun 2018)723916 (exp 31 Jul 2018)All future lotsARTG Number: 213975
  • Manufacturer