anastaflo intravascular shunt


7 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
  • Implanted device?
  • Product Description
    Non-active implants - cardiac surgery
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Model: IVS12512 Lots 58969460 to 59509355, Model: IVS1512 Lots 58914820 to 59518788, Model: IVS1530 Lots 58911395 to 59473506, Model: IVS17512 Lots 58903206 to 59546227, Model: IVS2012 Lots 58911394 to 59531271, Model: IVS2030 Lots 58932183 to 59504235, Model: IVS2512 Lots 58914819 to 59518801, Model: IVS2530 Lots 58919317 to 59463362, Model: IVS3012 Lots 58966707 to 59514116
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide and the country of Canada
  • Product Description
    Edwards Lifesciences Anastaflo Intravascular Shunt, Model code IVS12512, IVS1512, IVS17512, IVS2012, IVS2512, IVS3012, IVS1530, IVS2030 and IVS25 || Anastaflo shunts are intended for use in preventing ischemia by shunting and/ or perfusing blood or cardioplegic solution distal to the anastomosis site during the construction of coronary artery bypass grafts30.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Model Catalog: IVS1512 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG); Model Catalog: IVS1530 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG); Model Catalog: IVS2012 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG); Model Catalog: IVS2512 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG); Model Catalog: IVS2030 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG); Model Catalog: IVS2530 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG); Model Catalog: IVS3030 (Lot serial: >10 NUMBERS CONTACT MFG)
  • Product Description
  • Manufacturer
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