

250 devices with a similar name

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  • Product Description
    The trocar KII access systems are indicated in laparoscopic interventions of general, abdominal, gynecological and thoracic minimally invasive surgery, with the purpose of establishing an insertion path or achieving access through tissue planes and / or potential spaces for endoscopic instruments. All components are made of latex-free materials. The trocar access systems are sterile and disposable devices for use in a single patient. Optical trocar access systems use an optical element to visualize the tissue layers during insertion; however, they can be used without visualization for primary or secondary inserts.
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    AT-102 plus, all serials
  • Product Description
    The electrocardiograph (ECG) is a device that is used to record analyze and evaluate the records of the signal generated by cardiac activity. The records made with the ECG can be used to facilitate the diagnosis of cardiac function and cardiac conditions. The ECG is designed for indoor use and can be used for patients of both sexes, of all races and of all ages.
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