IVD diagnostic test kits (Allergen (egg white) rapid test device, Milk Allergy test device, Shrim (F24) Allergy Rapid test device, Dust Mite test device, Allergen (Cat dander) Rapid test device, Dog Dander Allergy test device, Oak white Allergy test device, Mugwort Allergy test device, Allergen (Ragweed) Rapid test device, Syphilis Rapid test device)
Medical devices help to diagnose, prevent and treat many injuries and diseases. We are not suggesting or implying that any companies or other entities included in the International Medical Devices Database engaged in unlawful conduct or otherwise acted improperly. The same device may have different names in different countries. This database is not intended to provide medical advice and patients should check with their doctors to determine if it contains relevant information and if such information has medical implications for them.