Sonopet Console (Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator System)


  • Manufacturer Parent Company (2017)
  • Manufacturers representative
    Ets.F.A Kettaneh
  • Source

2 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
    Sonopet Console (Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator System)Catalogue number: 5450852000Serial numbers: 1134000114, 1134000124, 1134000134, 1134000144, 1134000184, 1134000204 & 1209400174ARTG number: 174364
  • Product Classification
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Sonopet Console (Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator System)Catalogue Number: 5450852000All Serial NumbersARTG Number: 174364
  • Manufacturer