Artis Systems with software versions VC14, VC21, VD10, VD11 and VE10


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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Artis systems with software versions VC14, VC21, VD10, VD11 and VE10, Siemens Healthcare GmbH
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Artis Systems with software versions VC14, VC21, VD10, VD11 and VE10(fluoroscopic angiographic digital x-ray system)Catalogue Numbers: 10094135, 10094137, 10094139, 10094141, 10280959, 10848280, 10848281, 10848282, 10848283, 10848353, 10848355 ARTG Number: 273952
  • Manufacturer