BD Vacutainer Eclipse Signal blood collection needle with integrated holder


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Learn more about the data here

  • Model / Serial
    Model: 368836, Affected: 4268488 4302103 4329078 4346062 4346068 5027368 5072462
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    BD Vacutainer Eclipse Signal Blood Collection Needle with Integrated Holder 21G & 22G.21GCatalogue Number : 368835 Lot/Batch Numbers4302105 4266252 4302106 4276343 4346490 4344023 4252010 5041109 4259413 5072433 22G Catalogue Number :368836 Lot/Batch Numbers 4268488 4346068 4302103 5027368 4346062ARTG Number: 128397
  • Manufacturer