HemoCue Urine Albumin Microcuvettes


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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    In-vitro diagnostic products
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Model Number 110608 Lot Number: 1210865, 1210873, 1211878, 1301893, 1302810, 1303836, 1304838, 1304840 and 1304842.  Model Number 110610 Lot Number: 1209857, 1210870, 1211874, 1211879, 1212885, 1301803, 1301893, 1302817 and 1302818.  Model Number 110611 Lot Number: 1208848, 1208853, 1208854, 1209855, 1209856, 1209858, 1209860, 1209862, 1210863, 1210865, 1210869, 1210871, 1210872, 1210873, 1211875, 1211876, 1211877, 1211880, 1211881, 1212884, 1212887, 1301802, 1301804, 1301805, 1301806, 1302811, 1302812, 1302813, 13028141302815, 1302816, 1302821, 1303823, 1303825, 1303834, 1304837, 1304839, 1304841, 1304843, 1304844, 1304845, 1304846 and 1304847.  Model Number 110613 Lot Number: 1303825  Model Number 110615 Lot Number: 1209858, 1211878  Model Number 110616 Lot Number: 1208849, 1208850, 1208851, 1210864, 1210866, 1210867, 1210868, 1210869, 1212883, 1212886, 1212888, 1212889, 1301807, 1301808, 1302809, 1303827, 1303829, 1303830, 1303831, 1303832 and 1303833.
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - Nationwide Distribution including the states of AL, AR, AZ, CA, CA ,CT, FL, GA, HE, ID, IL, IN, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NH, NM, NY, OH, PA, SC,TX, UT, VA, VT, WA and WI., and the countries of Australia, Bahrain, Belarus, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Norway, Omen, Poland, Qatar, Romania, South Africa, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Tanzania, Ukraine, Yemen and Zambia.
  • Product Description
    HemoCue¿ Urine Albumin Microcuvettes, 25 Microcuvettes HemoCue AB Angelholm, Sweden || The quantitative, rapid, turbidimetric immunoassay of albumin in human urine using a specially designed analyzer, the HemoCue Albumin 201 Analyzer. The system can be used for the quantitative determination of low levels of albumin in urine for the purpose of screening for, diagnosing, monitoring and to supplement the clinical evidence in the treatment of microalbuminuria. The system is designed for testing using spot samples or timed collections. A quantitative result is obtained within 90 seconds. HemoCue Urine Albumin Microcuvettes are for in vitro diagnostic use only. The HemoCue Albumin 201 Analyzer is only to be used with HemoCue Urine Albumin Microcuvettes
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    HemoCue Urine Albumin Microcuvettes (an in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD))Lot Numbers: 1208848 to 1304847ARTG Number: 137082
  • Manufacturer