Flexi-Slip Endotracheal Tube Stylet


8 devices with a similar name

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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Surgical equipment/ Anaesthesia
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Medical Device Safety Alert: Teleflex Flexi-Slip Endotracheal Tube Stylet with Soft Distal Tip and Flexislip Stylet, Sterile Pack
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Catalog Number: 502501 503700-000060 503700-06 Batch Number: 12EE20 12FE26 12GE27 12GE30 12IE36 12IE37 12IE39 12JE41 12KE48 12LG25 12LG29 13AG21 13BG26 13BG36 13DG06 13DG24 13GG06 13GG33 13KG04 13LG06 13LG20 14AG25 14BG27 14CG09 14CG19 14DG24 14FG03 14FG21 14GG01 14GG03 14HE32 14HE34 14IE36 14JE43 14JG05 14KG11 14KG27 14LG06 15AG28 15AG34 15BG05 15CG24 15DE18 15DG38 15EG08 15FG21 15GG21 12GE27 12HE33 12IE37 12JE40 12KE48 12LE50 13AT24 13AT43 13CG05 13DG09 13EG19 13FG19 13GG06 13GG07 13GG33 13HG05 13IG21 13IG23 13JG06 13KG04 13LG06 13LG20 13LG27 14AG04 14BG24 14CG09 14DG01 14DG24 14FE25 14FG03 14FG06 14FG21 14GG01 14HE32 14IE36 14JE43 14JG05 14KG11 14LG06 15AG28 15AG34 15BG05 15CG24 15DE18 15DG38 15EG12 15FG21 15GG21 12GE27 12HE33 12IE37 13AT43
  • Product Description
    Medical devices for single use
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Model Catalog: 502501 (Lot serial: > 10 lot # contact Mfg)
  • Product Description
    Rusch Flexi-Slip-ET Tube Stylet with Soft Distal Tip 6FR
  • Manufacturer
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