Sterrad 100S Cassette


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  • Model / Serial
    Model: Part Number: 10113, Affected: Lots: 13I038, 13I046, 13I071, 13I072, 13I077, 13I078, 13I083, 13I084, 13I090, 13I121, 13K003, 13K074, 13K105, 13L021, 14A030, 14A031
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    General equipment for medical treatment - cleaning / disinfection / sterilisation
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Product Code: 10113
  • Product Classification
  • Device Class
  • Implanted device?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution.
  • Product Description
    STERRAD 100S Cassette, Batch # 12A077. || The STERRAD 100S and STERRAD NX sterilizations systems are low-temperature general purpose sterilizers used to sterilize heat and moisture sensitive reusable medical devices. The sterilant used is hydrogen peroxide supplied in cassette form as a separate accessory. The STERRAD Cassettes are used in conjunction with the STERRAD Sterilizers, and each cassette model is for use only in the matching sterilizer model.
  • Manufacturer
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