Jackson-Pratt Perforated and Hemaduct Wound Drainage System


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  • Model / Serial
  • Product Description
    Cardinal Health Jackson-Pratt Perforated and Hemaduct Wound Drainage Systems, Cardinal Health
  • Manufacturer
  • Model / Serial
    Jackson-Pratt Perforated and Hemaduct Wound Drainage SystemsProduct Codes: JP-HUR101, SU130-1308, SU130-1309, SU130-1310, SU130-1311 and SU130-1411 Batch Numbers: 1161468, 1161228, 1161396, 1161413, 1161460, 1161461, 1161230, 1161399, 1161247, 1161251, 1161622, 1161623 and 1161253ARTG Number: 169567
  • Manufacturer